Directory of /ar/RefDocs/HelpFiles/PinPoint/

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Name Last Modified Size Description
Parent Directory 16-Jan-2017 09:48 -
$WWAssociativeLinks 16-Jan-2017 09:41 - Folder (sub-directory)
$WWKeywordLinks 16-Jan-2017 09:41 - Folder (sub-directory)
images 16-Jan-2017 09:41 - Folder (sub-directory)
img 16-Jan-2017 09:41 - Folder (sub-directory)
$FIftiMain 16-Jan-2017 09:40 133K application/octet-stream
$OBJINST 16-Jan-2017 09:40 3K application/octet-stream
___dtree.css 16-Jan-2017 09:41 <1K text/css
___dtree.js 16-Jan-2017 09:41 12K application/x-javascript
___left.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 30K text/html
dc3_hh.css 16-Jan-2017 09:40 3K text/css
gscdownload.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 6K Installing the Guide Star Catalog via Download
PinPoint.hhc 16-Jan-2017 09:40 76K application/octet-stream
PinPoint.hhk 16-Jan-2017 09:40 47K application/octet-stream
PinPointALLSKY.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 12K All-Sky Plate Solving
PinPointBLINK.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 7K Using Visual PinPoint
PinPointCLASSPlate.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 9K Plate Object
PinPointCLASSPlateDIB.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 1K PlateDIB Object
PinPointCLASSPlateStar.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K PlateStar Object
PinPointCLASSPlateStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 3K PlateStars Object
PinPointERRORS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K PinPoint Run-Time Errors
PinPointFITS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 6K PinPoint 4.0 FITS Keywords
PinPointHOME.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 7K The PinPoint Astrometric Engine
PinPointMSG0x80040400.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Runtime-generated from C runtime library
PinPointMSG0x80040401.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Runtime message generated from CFITSIO library
PinPointMSG0x80040402.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error: Attempt to allocate zero length memory block.
PinPointMSG0x80040403.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Out of memory, cannot continue.
PinPointMSG0x80040404.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K An internal error has occurred while accumulating the quality estimate on a constellation of image stars. Contact DC-3 dreams and inform them.
PinPointMSG0x80040405.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Encountered a huge star in the image and ran out of memory trying to allocate pixels.
PinPointMSG0x80040406.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Encountered too many stars in the image and ran out of memory trying to allocate descriptors for them.
PinPointMSG0x80040407.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in USNO SA lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x80040408.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in catalog lookup: failed to transform the image corners to celestial.
PinPointMSG0x80040409.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the USNO SA catalog accelerator file.
PinPointMSG0x8004040A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the USNO SA catalog accelerator file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004040B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the USNO SA catalog data file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004040C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the USNO SA catalog data file.
PinPointMSG0x8004040D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Final convergence failed due to insufficient stars or excessive residual errors.
PinPointMSG0x8004040E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The identification is not available for this star.
PinPointMSG0x8004040F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Arcseconds per pixel scales are not set. They are required for calculating the star-finder aperture sizes.
PinPointMSG0x80040410.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Guide Star Catalog file appears incorrect - SIMPLE keyword is not present or set to F.
PinPointMSG0x80040411.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the Guide Star Catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040412.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the GSC large regions table. Check the file path to the Guide Star Catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040413.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the GSC small regions table. Check the file path to the Guide Star Catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040414.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the GSC sky region data file. Check the file path to the Guide Star Catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040415.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in GSC lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x80040417.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the USNO catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040418.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error: pixel stack overflow on aperture photomertic or intensity barycenter function.
PinPointMSG0x80040419.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The position error estimate is not available for this star.
PinPointMSG0x8004041A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The magnitude error estimate is not available for this star.
PinPointMSG0x8004041B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K No FITS image file is attached.
PinPointMSG0x8004041C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The value is out of range.
PinPointMSG0x8004041D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The property has not been set.
PinPointMSG0x8004041E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K This collection is not available.
PinPointMSG0x8004041F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K One or more properties required for WCS calculations have not been set.
PinPointMSG0x80040420.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K An image is already attached to this object.
PinPointMSG0x80040421.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The SIMPLE flag is set to false. Cannot process the file.
PinPointMSG0x80040422.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The FITS file contains an image that is not 2-dimensional. Cannot process the file.
PinPointMSG0x80040423.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The projection type is out of range. Legal values are from 0 through 6.
PinPointMSG0x80040424.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The FITS file does not contain 16-bit data. Cannot process the file.
PinPointMSG0x80040425.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The WCS info in the image is not for equinox J2000.0. Cannot process the file.
PinPointMSG0x80040426.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The catalog path has not been set.
PinPointMSG0x80040427.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Bad star catalog selector -- value must be 0 (GSC), 1 (USNO SA). 2 (USNO ACT), 3 (GSC-ACT), or 4 (Tycho-2)
PinPointMSG0x80040428.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K No stars found in the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040429.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K This method requires that the Plate be solved or that the attached image has existing WCS info.
PinPointMSG0x8004042A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The magnitude for this star is not valid.
PinPointMSG0x8004042B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K There is no residual error for this star. This property is available only for stars that were matched.
PinPointMSG0x8004042C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K No matching stars found. Check your estimated center-point RA/Dec, and your image scaling and quality.
PinPointMSG0x8004042D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K There is no such keyword in the FITS header.
PinPointMSG0x8004042E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The designation data type is invalid.. It must be an integer number or a string.
PinPointMSG0x8004042F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the GSC-ACT adjustment data file gsc_act.dat. It must be in the same directory as the PinPoint DLL.
PinPointMSG0x80040430.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to get GSC-ACT correction data. This is an internal error, contact the developer.
PinPointMSG0x80040431.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the USNO ACT catalog accelerator file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040432.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the USNO ACT catalog data file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040433.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the USNO ACT catalog data file.
PinPointMSG0x80040434.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Operation stopped by client in Checkpoint event.
PinPointMSG0x80040435.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K There is no matching catalog star for this star. This property is available only for stars that were matched.
PinPointMSG0x80040436.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The ObservatoryCode is invalid. It must be exactly 3 characters in length and must consist only of alphameric characters.
PinPointMSG0x80040437.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The Designation is invalid. If numeric, it must be between 1 and 99999. If a string, it must be exactly 7 characters in length.
PinPointMSG0x80040438.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The Gaussian coefficient array has not yet been set. See Plate.SetGaussian()
PinPointMSG0x80040439.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to set ImageArray property. The array must be a 2-dimensional SAFEARRAY of VARIANT, with the elements being numbers between 0 and 65535.
PinPointMSG0x8004043A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K One or both array indexes are out of bounds. Check the X and Y arguments.
PinPointMSG0x8004043B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The pixel value is out of range. It must be between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).
PinPointMSG0x8004043C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The fit order is invalid. Legal values range from 1 through 5.
PinPointMSG0x8004043D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Ill-conditioned DSS coordinates would have resulted in division by zero. Cannot continue.
PinPointMSG0x8004043E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The given XY coordinates are off of the DSS plate.
PinPointMSG0x8004043F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Updating DSS plates is not supported.
PinPointMSG0x80040440.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The plate centerpoint reference coordinates in the WCS are not the same as the actual plate centerpoint. Have you cropped the image since the WCS was computed? If so, remove the WCS data.
PinPointMSG0x80040441.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Not a PlateStar object. Only PlateStar objects may be added to a PlateStars collection.
PinPointMSG0x80040442.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The star you're adding to the PlateStars collection does not belong to the same plate as the collection itself. This is not allowed.
PinPointMSG0x80040443.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The time limit for plate solving has expired.
PinPointMSG0x80040444.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Cannot add PlateStar objects to this collection. Only collections created by Plate.NewPlateStars support addition of PlateStar objects.
PinPointMSG0x80040445.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Unknown Windows graphics failure. Is your system low on memory or GDI resources?
PinPointMSG0x80040446.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The DIB has not yet been created. You must call PlateDIB.Create() before using this property or method.
PinPointMSG0x80040447.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to set the color lookup table. The method argument must be a 1-dimensional array containing exactly 256 Long values.
PinPointMSG0x80040448.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in USNO ACT lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x8004044A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the USNO ACT catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004044B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the Tycho-2 catalog data file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004044C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the Tycho-2 catalog index file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004044D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in Tycho-2 lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x8004044F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the Tycho-2 catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040450.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The height and width for this star is not available. It is probably a catalog star which has no dimensional info.
PinPointMSG0x80040451.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The area for this star is not available. It is probably a catalog star which has no dimensional info.
PinPointMSG0x80040452.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The raw flux for this star is not available. It is probably a catalog star (which has no flux info).
PinPointMSG0x80040453.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Convolution requires plate scale ArcsecPerPixel values.
PinPointMSG0x80040454.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The collection index is out of range.
PinPointMSG0x80040455.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to calculate the distortion matrix. This is an internal error, contect the developer.
PinPointMSG0x80040456.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Incorrect number of coefficients in distortion matrix as read from FITS header. This is an internal error, contact the developer.
PinPointMSG0x80040457.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Reverse distortion transform failed to converge. This is an internal error, contact the developer.
PinPointMSG0x80040458.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Too many iterations in AMOEBA solver. This is an internal error, contact the developer.
PinPointMSG0x80040459.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to solve plate. Possibly due to a gross mismatch in the number of detected stars versus the number of catalog stars in the area.
PinPointMSG0x8004045A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The ObservationTime property is not available for catalog stars.
PinPointMSG0x8004045B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Color band value is illegal. Legal values are from the FilterBand type and range from 0 through 4, corresponding to UBVRI.
PinPointMSG0x8004045C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The CLRBAND field in the FITS header contains an illegal value. Legal values are 'U', 'B', 'V', 'R', and 'I'.
PinPointMSG0x8004045D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The magnitude fit failed to converge. This is an internal error, contact the developer.
PinPointMSG0x8004045E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to convert time for FITS header. This is an internal error, contact the developer.
PinPointMSG0x8004045F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The PublishableNote parameter must be a single character in length.
PinPointMSG0x80040460.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Deleted from PinPoint 4
PinPointMSG0x80040461.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the Tycho-2 large regions table Tycho2-lg.tbl. This file must be in the same directory as PinPoint.dll.
PinPointMSG0x80040462.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the Tycho-2 small regions table Tycho2-sm.tbl. This file must be in the same directory as PinPoint.dll.
PinPointMSG0x80040463.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K There are too few catalog stars in the area. Increase the catalog star faint limit, reduce the minimum number of stars to match, or use a more dense catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040464.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The InnerAperture argument must be given or the Plate.InnerAperture property must be set to a specific value.
PinPointMSG0x80040465.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The OuterAperture argument must be given or the Plate.OuterAperture property must be set to a specific value.
PinPointMSG0x80040466.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to create star cache file.
PinPointMSG0x80040467.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while writing star cache file.
PinPointMSG0x80040468.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading star cache file.
PinPointMSG0x80040469.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Cannot write to the file, it is write-locked.
PinPointMSG0x8004046A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K This property or method has been removed from the PinPoint engine.
PinPointMSG0x8004046B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K This feature requires the full version of PinPoint. Upgrades are available at
PinPointMSG0x8004046C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The catalog path is an empty string.
PinPointMSG0x8004046D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in UCAC-2 lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x8004046F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the UCAC2 catalog index file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040470.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the UCAC2 catalog data file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040471.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the UCAC2 catalog data file.
PinPointMSG0x80040472.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the UCAC2 catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040473.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error - No usable mag info for plate solution.
PinPointMSG0x80040474.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading SExtractor catalog file.
PinPointMSG0x80040475.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to start SExtractor, or SExtractor itself failed to exit normally. Check your config and params files.
PinPointMSG0x80040476.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K TDI time correction is enabled, yet the image does not have a roll angle near 90 degrees. This is probably not a TDI image.
PinPointMSG0x80040477.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The FITS image has a NAXIS value other than 2 (mono) or 3(color). Cannot process.
PinPointMSG0x80040478.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Color image does not have three planes. Cannot process.
PinPointMSG0x80040479.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to solve plate, possibly due to input plate scale being too far off.
PinPointMSG0x8004047A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to retrieve reference star catalog data from USNO server. Check your internet connection.
PinPointMSG0x8004047B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The plate's exposure start time is required for catalog proper motion calculation. Check the attached image.
PinPointMSG0x8004047C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The ImageStars collection is not available. You must call FindImageStars() to scan the plate.
PinPointMSG0x8004047D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The CatalogStars collection is not available. You must call FindCatalogStars() to read reference stars.
PinPointMSG0x8004047E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K This feature requires a PinPoint V5 license.
PinPointMSG0x8004047F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K No image array is available. Did you use Plate.AttachNoImage()?
PinPointMSG0x80040480.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the UCAC3 catalog index file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040481.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the UCAC3 catalog data file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040482.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the UCAC3 catalog index file.
PinPointMSG0x80040483.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the UCAC3 catalog data file.
PinPointMSG0x80040484.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the UCAC3 catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040485.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in UCAC3 lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x80040486.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the UCAC3 catalog index file.
PinPointMSG0x80040487.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K This feature requires a PinPoint V5.1 or later license (expires after 01-May-2010).
PinPointMSG0x80040488.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the UCAC4 catalog index file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x80040489.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed to open the UCAC4 catalog data file. Check the path to the catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004048A.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the UCAC4 catalog index file.
PinPointMSG0x8004048B.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Failed while reading the UCAC4 catalog data file.
PinPointMSG0x8004048C.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K The image field is so big that we reached the limit of stars from the UCAC4 catalog.
PinPointMSG0x8004048D.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:40 <1K Internal error in UCAC4 lookup: one or both dimensions of the image were zero or negative.
PinPointMSG0x8004048E.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 <1K Failed to create the star XY list for the all sky solver
PinPointMSG0x8004048F.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 <1K Failed to write the star XY list for the all sky solver
PinPointMSG0x80040491.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 <1K All-sky solution failed. Possibly network communication error.
PinPointMSG0x80040492.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 <1K This feature requires a PinPoint 6.0 or later license (expires after 01-Sep-2013)
PinPointPlateDIBMETHCreate.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K PlateDIB.Create() Method
PinPointPlateDIBMETHDIBToWorld.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.DIBToWorld() Method
PinPointPlateDIBMETHPaintPicture.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K PlateDIB.PaintPicture() Method
PinPointPlateDIBMETHRender.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.Render() Method
PinPointPlateDIBMETHSetColorLookupTable.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K PlateDIB.SetColorLookupTable() Method
PinPointPlateDIBMETHWorldToDIB.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.WorldToDIB() Method
PinPointPlateDIBPROPHeight.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.Height Property
PinPointPlateDIBPROPPlate.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.Plate Property
PinPointPlateDIBPROPScratchX.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.ScratchX Property
PinPointPlateDIBPROPScratchY.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.ScratchY Property
PinPointPlateDIBPROPWidth.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateDIB.Width Property
PinPointPlateEVENTCheckpoint.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.Checkpoint() Event
PinPointPlateEVENTScanProgress.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ScanProgress() Event
PinPointPlateEVENTSolveStatus.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.SolveStatus() Event
PinPointPlateMETHAttachFITS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.AttachFITS() Method
PinPointPlateMETHAttachNoImage.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.AttachNoImage() Method
PinPointPlateMETHBlur.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 <1K Plate.Blur() Method
PinPointPlateMETHConvolveGaussian.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ConvolveGaussian() Method
PinPointPlateMETHConvolveLoG.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ConvolveLoG() Method
PinPointPlateMETHDeleteFitsKey.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.DeleteFitsKey() Method
PinPointPlateMETHDetachFITS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.DetachFITS() Method
PinPointPlateMETHFindCatalogStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.FindCatalogStars() Method
PinPointPlateMETHFindImageStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.FindImageStars() Method
PinPointPlateMETHMeasureFlux.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.MeasureFlux() Method
PinPointPlateMETHNewPlateDIB.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.NewPlateDIB() Method
PinPointPlateMETHNewPlateStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.NewPlateStars() Method
PinPointPlateMETHReadFITSValue.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ReadFITSValue() Method
PinPointPlateMETHRemoveHotPixels.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.RemoveHotPixels() Method
PinPointPlateMETHRemoveWCS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.RemoveWCS() Method
PinPointPlateMETHSkyToXy.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.SkyToXy() Method
PinPointPlateMETHSolve.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Solve() Method
PinPointPlateMETHSolveAllSky.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.SolveAllSky() Method
PinPointPlateMETHSynthesizeStarfield.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.SynthesizeStarfield() Method
PinPointPlateMETHUpdateFITS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.UpdateFITS() Method
PinPointPlateMETHWriteComment.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.WriteComment() Method
PinPointPlateMETHWriteFITS.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.WriteFITS() Method
PinPointPlateMETHWriteFITSDouble.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.WriteFITSDouble() Method
PinPointPlateMETHWriteFITSString.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.WriteFITSString() Method
PinPointPlateMETHWriteHistory.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.WriteHistory() Method
PinPointPlateMETHXyToSky.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.XyToSky() Method
PinPointPlatePROPAirmass.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Airmass Property
PinPointPlatePROPAllSkyApiKey.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.AllSkyApiKey Property
PinPointPlatePROPAllSkyDomain.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.AllSkyDomain Property
PinPointPlatePROPAllSkyUseImage.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.AllSkyUseImage Property
PinPointPlatePROPArcsecPerPixelHoriz.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ArcsecPerPixelHoriz Property
PinPointPlatePROPArcsecPerPixelVert.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ArcsecPerPixelVert Property
PinPointPlatePROPBackgroundTileSize.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.BackgroundTileSize Property
PinPointPlatePROPBinningHoriz.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.BinningHoriz Property
PinPointPlatePROPBinningVert.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.BinningVert Property
PinPointPlatePROPCacheImageStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.CacheImageStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPCamera.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Camera Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalog.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 4K Plate.Catalog Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalogExpansion.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.CatalogExpansion Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalogMaximumMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.CatalogMaximumMagnitude Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalogMinimumMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.CatalogMinimumMagnitude Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalogPath.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.CatalogPath Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalogStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.CatalogStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPCatalogStarsReady.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.CatalogStarsReady Property
PinPointPlatePROPCCDTemperature.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.CCDTemperature Property
PinPointPlatePROPCentroidAlgorithm.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.CentroidAlgorithm Property
PinPointPlatePROPColorBand.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.ColorBand Property
PinPointPlatePROPColumns.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Columns Property
PinPointPlatePROPDeclination.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Declination Property
PinPointPlatePROPEmail.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Email Property
PinPointPlatePROPEngineVersion.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.EngineVersion Property
PinPointPlatePROPEquinox.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Equinox Property
PinPointPlatePROPExclusionBorder.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ExclusionBorder Property
PinPointPlatePROPExposureInterval.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ExposureInterval Property
PinPointPlatePROPExposureStartTime.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ExposureStartTime Property
PinPointPlatePROPFileName.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.FileName Property
PinPointPlatePROPFilterName.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.FilterName Property
PinPointPlatePROPFitOrder.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.FitOrder Property
PinPointPlatePROPFullWidthHalfMax.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.FullWidthHalfMax Property
PinPointPlatePROPHumidity.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Humidity Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageArray.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 4K Plate.ImageArray Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageBackgroundMean.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ImageBackgroundMean Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageBackgroundSigma.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ImageBackgroundSigma Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageHistogram.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ImageHistogram Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageModified.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ImageModified Property
PinPointPlatePROPImagePixel.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.ImagePixel Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ImageStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageStarsReady.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ImageStarsReady Property
PinPointPlatePROPImageStatisticalMode.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ImageStatisticalMode Property
PinPointPlatePROPInnerAperture.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.InnerAperture Property
PinPointPlatePROPLastAllSkyError.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.LastAllSkyError Property
PinPointPlatePROPLocalBackgroundMean(Short X, Short Y).htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.LocalBackgroundMean(Short X, Short Y) Property
PinPointPlatePROPLocalBackgroundSigma(Short X, Short Y).htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.LocalBackgroundSigma(Short X, Short Y) Property
PinPointPlatePROPMagZeroPoint.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MagZeroPoint Property
PinPointPlatePROPMatchAvgResidual.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.MatchAvgResidual Property
PinPointPlatePROPMatchedStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.MatchedStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPMatchedStarsReady.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.MatchedStarsReady Property
PinPointPlatePROPMatchFitOrder.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.MatchFitOrder Property
PinPointPlatePROPMatchRMSResidual.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.MatchRMSResidual Property
PinPointPlatePROPMaximumPixelValue.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MaximumPixelValue Property
PinPointPlatePROPMaxMatchResidual.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MaxMatchResidual Property
PinPointPlatePROPMaxSolveStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MaxSolveStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPMaxSolveTime.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MaxSolveTime Property
PinPointPlatePROPMinimumBrightness.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MinimumBrightness Property
PinPointPlatePROPMinimumPixelValue.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MinimumPixelValue Property
PinPointPlatePROPMinimumStarSize.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MinimumStarSize Property
PinPointPlatePROPMinMatchStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.MinMatchStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPObservatory.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Observatory Property
PinPointPlatePROPObserver.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Observer Property
PinPointPlatePROPOuterAperture.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.OuterAperture Property
PinPointPlatePROPPositionAngle.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.PositionAngle Property
PinPointPlatePROPPressure.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Pressure Property
PinPointPlatePROPProjectionType.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 4K Plate.ProjectionType Property
PinPointPlatePROPRightAscension.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.RightAscension Property
PinPointPlatePROPRollAngle.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.RollAngle Property
PinPointPlatePROPRows.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Rows Property
PinPointPlatePROPScratchX.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ScratchX Property
PinPointPlatePROPScratchY.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.ScratchY Property
PinPointPlatePROPSiderealTime.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.SiderealTime Property
PinPointPlatePROPSigmaAboveMean.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.SigmaAboveMean Property
PinPointPlatePROPSiteElevation.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.SiteElevation Property
PinPointPlatePROPSiteLatitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.SiteLatitude Property
PinPointPlatePROPSiteLongitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.SiteLongitude Property
PinPointPlatePROPSolved.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Solved Property
PinPointPlatePROPTargetDeclination.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.TargetDeclination Property
PinPointPlatePROPTargetName.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.TargetName Property
PinPointPlatePROPTargetRightAscension.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.TargetRightAscension Property
PinPointPlatePROPTDIMode.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.TDIMode Property
PinPointPlatePROPTelescope.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Telescope Property
PinPointPlatePROPTemperature.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.Temperature Property
PinPointPlatePROPTraceLevel.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 4K Plate.TraceLevel Property
PinPointPlatePROPTracePath.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Plate.TracePath Property
PinPointPlatePROPUseFaintStars.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.UseFaintStars Property
PinPointPlatePROPUseSExtractor.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K Plate.UseSExtractor Property
PinPointPlatePROPWCSValid.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Plate.WCSValid Property
PinPointPlateStarMETHMakeMPC.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 5K PlateStar.MakeMPC() Method
PinPointPlateStarPROPArea.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Area Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPBlueMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.BlueMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPCatalog.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Catalog Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPColorMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K PlateStar.ColorMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPDeclination.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Declination Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPHeight.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Height Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPHMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.HMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPIdentification.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K PlateStar.Identification Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPInfraredMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.InfraredMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPJMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.JMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPKMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.KMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Magnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPMagnitudeError.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.MagnitudeError Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPMatched.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Matched Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPMatchedCatalogStar.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K PlateStar.MatchedCatalogStar Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPObservationTime.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.ObservationTime Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPPlate.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Plate Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPPositionError.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.PositionError Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPRawFlux.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.RawFlux Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPRedMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.RedMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPResidual.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Residual Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPRightAscension.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.RightAscension Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPSaturated.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Saturated Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPUltravioletMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.UltravioletMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPVisualMagnitude.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.VisualMagnitude Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPWidth.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Width Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPX.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.X Property
PinPointPlateStarPROPY.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStar.Y Property
PinPointPlateStarsMETHAdd.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStars.Add() Method
PinPointPlateStarsMETHNearestDistance.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K PlateStars.NearestDistance() Method
PinPointPlateStarsMETHNearestStar.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStars.NearestStar() Method
PinPointPlateStarsMETHSort.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 3K PlateStars.Sort() Method
PinPointPlateStarsPROPCount.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStars.Count Property
PinPointPlateStarsPROPItem.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K PlateStars.Item Property
PinPointPlateStarsPROPPlate.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K PlateStars.Plate Property
PinPointPUBNOTE.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 1K Getting Started With PinPoint
PinPointRELNOTES-OLD.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 36K PinPoint 5.1 Release Notes
PinPointRELNOTES.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 13K PinPoint 4.1 Release Notes
PinPointSCRIPTING.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 8K Scripting the PinPoint Engine
PinPointSTART.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 2K Getting Started With PinPoint
PinPointTUNING.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 13K Tuning the PinPoint Engine
PinPointVPP.htm 16-Jan-2017 09:41 24K Using Visual PinPoint