Plate.CatalogExpansion Property

 Plate.CatalogExpansion  (read-write, Double)
Expansion of catalog search area outside the image dimensions (fraction of dimension, default = 0.3)


Plate.CatalogExpansion [= Double]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (Double) Expansion of catalog search area outside the image dimensions (fraction of dimension, default = 0.3)


This determines how tolerant the star matching is to errors in the center-point RA/Dec estimate. Making this value larger will allow matching with larger errors in center-point coordinates, however it will also increase the time needed to match. The time needed increases as the square of this value, so don't increase it unless your scope is not accurate enough to get within half a field-of-view or so.

Legal values range from 0.0 through 0.8. A value of 0.5 will expand each dimension by half the original dimension, resulting in a size that's 200% of the original. Each edge is increased by this amount, so the area increase for a value of 0.5 is 4 times original. Beware!