Plate.SigmaAboveMean Property

 Plate.SigmaAboveMean  (read-write, Double)
[advanced] The minimum brightness ratio (sigmas) above background for a star to be detected (default = 3.0)


Plate.SigmaAboveMean [= Double]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (Double) [advanced] The minimum brightness ratio (sigmas) above background for a star to be detected (default = 3.0)


This is an advanced property. In most cases, you will not need to change this value, the default will work. If you are having trouble getting plate solving to work, first verify the accuracy of ArcsecPerPixelHoriz and ArcsecPerPixelVert, and your nominal center coordinates.

Legal values range from 1.0 through 20.0. Expect many false star detections if you go below 2.0.