Plate.MaxSolveStars Property

 Plate.MaxSolveStars  (read-write, Long)
The maximum number of image stars that will be used for plate solution. The brightest stars will be used (default = 500, 0 = use all stars)


Plate.MaxSolveStars [= Long]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (Long) The maximum number of image stars that will be used for plate solution. The brightest stars will be used (default = 500, 0 = use all stars)


Limits the number of image and catalog stars considered for plate solving to the n brightest (but unsaturated) stars. Unless you really want to match all of the stars possible, consider leaving this at the default of 500. This will dramatically speed up palte solving in crowded regions when using dense catalogs such as USNO A2.0.