Plate.CacheImageStars Property

 Plate.CacheImageStars  (read-write, Boolean)
True causes the ImageStars collection to be cached in a file, and if cached, FindImageStars uses the cache (default = False)


Plate.CacheImageStars [= Boolean]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (Boolean) True causes the ImageStars collection to be cached in a file, and if cached, FindImageStars uses the cache (default = False)


The cache is written to a text file with the same name as the image file, with .stars appended. Each line of the cache file corresponds to one detection in the image. The detection info consists of seven numerical values, separated by spaces. In order, the values are:
  1. sub-pixel X coordinate of the object
  2. sub-pixel Y coordinate of the object
  3. width of the object in whole pixels
  4. height of the object in whole pixels
  5. the area of the object in whole pixels
  6. the measured flux of the object (background level subtracted)
  7. the value 1 if any pixel in the object is saturated, otherwise the value 0
  8. the full-width half-max value of the object in pixels
With this information, you can use other tools for source detection, then use PinPoint for its other capabilities thereafter. Note that SExtractor has been integrated into PinPoint. For more information on SExtractor integration, see the page for the UseSExtractor property. When Sextractor is in use, a different format of stars cache list is used. It is compatible with Sextractor. The operation is transparent to the PinPoint API.