PlateStar.MatchedCatalogStar Property

 PlateStar.MatchedCatalogStar  (read-only, PlateStar)
The matching catalog PlateStar for the star. Valid only for Plate.ImageStars and Plate.MatchedStars collections, and after Plate.Solve has been called.



The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (PlateStar) The matching catalog PlateStar for the star. Valid only for Plate.ImageStars and Plate.MatchedStars collections, and after Plate.Solve has been called.


Valid only for ImageStars and MatchedStars collections. After Plate.Solve() has been successfully called, the Plate.ImageStars and Plate.MatchedStars collections contain PlateStar objects representing the image stars that were matched to corresponding catalog stars. If a particular image star was matched to a catalog star, the image star's PlateStar object contains a reference to the corresponding catalog star's PlateStar object. This property is that reference.

Here is a sample JScript script that dumps the catalog identifications of the matched stars.

var p = new ActiveXObject("Pinpoint.Plate");
p.AttachFITS("D:\\Images\\28-May\\559 Nanon-1.fts");
p.ArcsecPerPixelHoriz = -2.5;
p.ArcsecPerPixelVert = -2.5;
p.Catalog = 3;
p.CatalogPath = "N:";

var col = p.ImageStars;         // Could use MatchedStars
var stars = new Enumerator(col);
var star;
for (; !stars.atEnd(); stars.moveNext())
    star = stars.item();
    if(star.Matched) {    // Not needed if MatchedStars collection