The following table lists the FITS keywords that PinPoint supports and the corresponding Plate properties for each. Items with no hyperlinks are constant in the FITS header.
FITS Keyword | Plate property |
AIRMASS | Airmass |
ALT-OBS | SiteElevation |
CCD_TEMP | CCDTemperature |
CDELT1 | ArcsecPerPixelHoriz |
CDELT2 | ArcsecPerPixelVert |
CLRBAND | ColorBand |
CROTA1 | RollAngle |
CROTA2 | RollAngle |
CRPIX1 | (X of image center) |
CRPIX2 | (Y of image center) |
CRVAL1 | RightAscension |
CRVAL2 | Declination |
CTYPE1 | ProjectionType |
CTYPE2 | ProjectionType |
DATE | ExposureStartTime |
DATE-OBS | ExposureStartTime |
DEC | TargetDeclination |
EPOCH | Equinox |
EQUINOX | Equinox |
EXPOSURE | ExposureInterval |
EXPTIME | ExposureInterval |
FILTER | FilterName |
HUMIDITY | Humidity |
INSTRUME | Camera |
LAT-OBS | SiteLatitude |
LONG-OBS | SiteLongitude |
OBJCTDEC | TargetDeclination |
OBJCTRA | TargetRightAscension |
OBJECT | TargetName |
OBSERVAT | Observatory |
OBSERVER | Observer |
PLTSOLVD | Solved |
PRESSURE | Pressure |
RA | TargetRightAscension |
ST | SiderealTime |
TELESCOP | Telescope |
TEMPERAT | Temperature |
TIME-OBS | ExposureStartTime |
XBINNING | BinningHoriz |
YBINNING | BinningVert |
ZMAG | MagZeroPoint |