Plate.ColorBand Property

 Plate.ColorBand  (read-write, FilterBand)
The photometric color band (Johnson-Cousins) of the image (FilterBand, default = ppUnknown)


Plate.ColorBand [= FilterBand]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (FilterBand) The photometric color band (Johnson-Cousins) of the image (FilterBand, default = ppUnknown)


This affects magnitude calculations. See the Plate Class documentation for details. If this property is anything but ppUnknown, the FITS field CLRBAND will contain this property and may be U, B, V, R, I, C (1-shot color image). J, H, or K. In the case of 1-shot color, the magnitude calculations are for info only. Color is not a real color band! Again, if this property is set to ppUnknown, the CLRBAND field in the FITS header will not be present.

Symbolic Constants

The (symbolic) values for FilterBand are:

Constant Value Description
ppBBand 1 The B-Band
ppIBand 4 The I-Band
ppRBand 3 The R-Band
ppUBand 0 The U-Band
ppVBand 2 The V-Band
ppCBand 5 Pseudo-band for 1-shot color
ppUnknown 6 Unfiltered or unknown color band
ppJBand 7 The extended infrared J-band
ppHBand 8 The extended infrared H-band
ppKBand 9 The extended infrared K-band