Plate.CentroidAlgorithm Property

 Plate.CentroidAlgorithm  (read-write, CentroidType)
The centroid algorithm used by the object detection and measurement system (CentroidType, default 0=ppAperture)


Plate.CentroidAlgorithm [= CentroidType]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (CentroidType) The centroid algorithm used by the object detection and measurement system (CentroidType, default 0=ppAperture)


This is an advanced property. In most cases, you will not need to change this value, the default will work. The Gaussian PSF fit is useful unless the image is significantly undersampled. Using the RemoveHotPixels() method can help make PSF fitting even more useful. Together on a reasonably well sampled image, this combination will usually result in fewer detections of noise as stars, yet more matched stars. If you know your images are at or above critically sampled, use PSF with hot pixel removal.

The box & moment algorithm will generally produce inferior results compared to the aperture method.

Symbolic Constants

The (symbolic) values for CentroidType are:

Constant Value Description
ppAperture 0 Aperture and annulus (photometric flux, default)
ppBox 1 rectangular box with moments
ppPSF 2 Gaussian PSF fitting of profile