Directory of /ar/RefDocs/HelpFiles/FocusMax4Help/

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 Name                   Last modified     Size  Description

 Parent Directory       16-Jan-17 09:48      -  
 $WWAssociativeLinks    16-Jan-17 09:33      -  Folder (sub-directory)
 $WWKeywordLinks        16-Jan-17 09:33      -  Folder (sub-directory)
 css                    16-Jan-17 09:33      -  Folder (sub-directory)
 img                    16-Jan-17 09:33      -  Folder (sub-directory)
 js                     16-Jan-17 09:33      -  Folder (sub-directory)
 lib                    16-Jan-17 09:34      -  Folder (sub-directory)
 $FIftiMain             16-Jan-17 09:33   107K  application/octet-stream
 $OBJINST               16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  application/octet-stream
 ___dtree.css           16-Jan-17 09:33    <1K  text/css
 ___dtree.js            16-Jan-17 09:33    12K  application/x-javascript
 ___left.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33    11K  text/html
 absolute.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Absolute> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireNumberStars
 acquirestar1.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStar
 acquirestar2.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     6K  AcquireStar
 acquirestaraimcamera.> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarAimCamera
 acquirestarallowsynce> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarAllowSyncEnable
 acquirestarasync.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarAsync
 acquirestarasyncstatu> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarAsyncStatus
 acquirestarbrightcats> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarBrightCatStarMag
 acquirestarbrighttgts> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarBrightTgtStarMag
 acquirestarcentermeth> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarCenterMethod
 acquirestardimcatstar> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarDimCatStarMag
 acquirestardimtgtstar> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarDimTgtStarMag
 acquirestarenable.htm  16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  AcquireStarEnable
 acquirestarfinalpoint> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  AcquireStarFinalPointingUpdate
 acquirestarmeridiancr> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarMeridianCrossEnable
 acquirestarminaltitud> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarMinAltitude
 acquirestarminmagtgts> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  AcquireStarMinMagTgtStar> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarMinSlew
 acquirestarplatesolve> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarPlateSolveMethod
 acquirestarreturnslew> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarReturnSlewEnable
 acquirestarreturnslew> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarReturnSlewError
 acquirestarsettletime> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarSettleTime
 acquirestarsolveenabl> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarSolveEnable
 acquirestarsolveexpos> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarSolveExposure
 acquirestarspiralsear> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  AcquireStarSpiralSearchEnable
 acquirestartakeimages> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarTakeImageSolve
 acquirestarzenithenab> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AcquireStarZenithEnable
 autoconnecttelescope.> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AutoConnectTelescope
 autofocus.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33    14K  Autofocus
 autofocusexpmax.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AutoFocusExpMax
 autofocusexpmin.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AutoFocusExpMin
 autofocusfluxmax.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AutoFocusFluxMax
 autofocusfluxmin.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  AutoFocusFluxMin
 camera.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33     5K  Camera
 camera1.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Camera
 ccdcentralregionenabl> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  CCDCentralRegionEnable
 ccdcentralregionwidth> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  CCDCentralRegionWidthPercent
 configurations.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Configurations
 datafilepath.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  DataFilePath
 degreestodms.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  DegreesToDMS
 delay.htm              16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Delay
 deletefilterwheelinfo> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  DeleteFilterWheelInfo
 exposure.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Exposure
 failattempts.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FailAttempts
 failtimer.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FailTimer
 file.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  File
 filternames.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FilterNames
 filternumber.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FilterNumber
 filters.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     8K  Filters
 filterwheelid.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FilterWheelID
 filterwheelname.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FilterWheelName
 findstar.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  FindStar
 findstarasync.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  FindStarAsync
 findstarasyncstatus.h> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  FindStarAsyncStatus
 firstlightwizard.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  First Light Wizard
 focus1.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Focus
 focusasync.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  FocusAsync
 focusasyncstatus.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  FocusAsyncStatus
 focusatstarcenter.htm  16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  FocusAtStarCenter
 focusatstarcenterasyn> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  FocusAtStarCenterAsync
 focuscontrol.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusControl
 focusconvergenceenabl> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusConvergenceEnable
 focusconvergencesampl> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusConvergenceSamples
 focusconvergenceskew.> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusConvergenceSkew
 focusconvergencesteps> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusConvergenceSteps
 focuser.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Focuser
 focuser1.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Focuser
 focuser2.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Focuser
 focuserbacklashdirect> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocuserBacklashDirection
 focuserbacklashenable> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocuserBacklashEnabled
 focuserbacklashsteps.> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocuserBacklashSteps
 focuserguardbandsteps> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocuserGuardBandSteps
 focusertempcomp.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocuserTempComp
 focusplot.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Focus Plot
 focusroutinefailattem> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusRoutineFailAttempts
 focusroutinefailtimer> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  FocusRoutineFailTimer> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  FocusRoutineMaxHFD
 focusroutinereturntos> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  FocusRoutineReturnToStartPositionEnable
 focuswindow.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33    11K  Focus Window
 general.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     8K  General
 getfocuserid.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  GetFocuserID
 gettingstarted.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33    21K  Getting Started
 graphs.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Graphs
 halffluxdiameter.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  HalfFluxDiameter
 halt.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Halt
 halt1.htm              16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Halt
 hardwareconnect.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  HardwareConnect> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  HardwareDisconnect
 help.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Help
 hourangle.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  HourAngle
 hourstohms.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  HoursToHMS
 introduction.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Introduction
 isbusy.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  IsBusy
 ismoving.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  IsMoving
 j2000_to_topo.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  J2000_to_Topo
 jog.htm                16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Jog
 jog1.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Jog
 keywords.hhk           16-Jan-17 09:33    36K  application/octet-stream
 learningwithsimulator> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Learning with Simulators
 link.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Link
 log.htm                16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Log
 logwindow.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Log  Window
 lst.htm                16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  LST
 maxincrement.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  MaxIncrement
 maxstep.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  MaxStep
 menuitems.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Menu Items
 methods.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Methods
 methods1.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Methods
 methods2.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Methods
 migratingfromfocusmax> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Migrating from FocusMax V3 to V4
 mini.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Mini
 move.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Move
 move1.htm              16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Move
 nightvision.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Night Vision
 notes.htm              16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Notes
 notes1.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33    11K  Notes
 ontop.htm              16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  On Top
 open.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Open
 pinpoint.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     5K  PinPoint
 platesolve.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     6K  Plate Solve
 platesolvemethod.htm   16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  PlateSolveMethod
 platesolvemethodname.> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  PlateSolveMethodName
 position.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Position
 position1.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Position
 postcommand.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  PostCommand
 postcommandstatus.htm  16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  PostCommandStatus
 preferences.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Preferences
 profile.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     9K  Profile
 profile1.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Profile
 properties.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Properties
 properties1.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Properties
 properties2.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Properties
 readfilterinfo.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  ReadFilterInfo
 requirements.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     5K  Requirements
 requirestopocoordinat> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  RequiresTopoCoordinates
 runvcurve.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  RunVcurve
 sample.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33    13K  Sample
 samplescripts.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     7K  Sample Scripts
 savedimagepath.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SavedImagePath
 savedlogpath.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SavedLogPath
 savedscriptpath.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SavedScriptPath
 saveimages.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Save Images
 scratch.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Scratch
 scripting.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Scripting
 scripttolog.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  ScriptToLog
 seeing.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33    27K  Seeing
 sendtolog.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SendToLog
 set.htm                16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Set
 setstopbutton.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  SetStopButton
 setup.htm              16-Jan-17 09:33    10K  Setup
 setup1.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33    11K  Setup
 setupdialog.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SetupDialog> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  ShowFocusHistogram
 showfocusplot.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  ShowFocusPlot
 showlog.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  ShowLog
 singleexpose.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     5K  SingleExpose
 singleexposeasync.htm  16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  SingleExposeAsync
 singleexposeasyncstat> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SingleExposeAsyncStatus
 singleexposeframewidt> 16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SingleExposeFrameWidth
 softbuttons.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Soft Buttons
 starxcenter.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  StarXCenter
 starycenter.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  StarYCenter
 stepsize.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  StepSize
 support.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Support
 system1.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  System
 systemfilename.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  SystemFileName
 systemfiles.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  System Files
 systemnumber.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  SystemNumber
 systemwindow.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     6K  System Window
 telescope.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     4K  Telescope
 telescope1.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     7K  Telescope
 telescope2.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Telescope
 telescopewindow.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     5K  Telescope Window
 tempcomp.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  TempComp
 tempcompavailable.htm  16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  TempCompAvailable
 tempcompmethod.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  TempCompMethod
 temperature.htm        16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Temperature
 temperature1.htm       16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Temperature
 temperaturecompensati> 16-Jan-17 09:33     7K  Temperature Compensation
 temperaturecompensati> 16-Jan-17 09:33     9K  Temperature Compensation
 temperaturecompensati> 16-Jan-17 09:33    22K  Temperature Compensation
 temperaturelog.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Temperature Log
 tips.htm               16-Jan-17 09:33    23K  Tips
 tipstroubleshooting.h> 16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Tips & Troubleshooting
 toc.hhc                16-Jan-17 09:33    31K  application/octet-stream
 topo_to_j2000.htm      16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Topo_to_J2000
 totalflux.htm          16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  TotalFlux
 trafficlog.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Traffic Log
 troubleshooting.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33    18K  Troubleshooting
 vcurve.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33     6K  Vcurve
 verifytracking.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  VerifyTracking
 version.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     2K  Version
 versionhistory.htm     16-Jan-17 09:33    86K  Version History
 waitforsec.htm         16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  WaitForSec
 whatsnew.htm           16-Jan-17 09:33    18K  What's New
 windows.htm            16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Windows
 wizard.htm             16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  Wizard
 writefilterinfo.htm    16-Jan-17 09:33     3K  WriteFilterInfo