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Scripting FocusMax

FocusMax exposes a rich series of methods and properties that may be scripted by the user or a host applications (ACP, CCD Autopilot, CCD Commander, etc). There are many choices as to what language to use which includes, VBScript, JScript, Perl, Python,or higher level development platforms such as MS VB6, VB.NET, etc.

FocusMax provides two primary objects:

FocusControl: methods and properties that can be used to control FocusMax functions (see FocusControl Properties and Methods).

Focuser: methods and properties that can be used to control focuser functions (see Focuser Properties and Methods).

To script FocusMax you must

declare a variable

create an instance of the FocusMax object you would like to use


Dim FMx

Set FMx = CreateObject("FocusMax.Focuser")

FMx.Move(1000) will move the focuser to position 1000

FMx.Position will return the current focuser position

FocusControl Properties

FocusControl Methods

Focuser Properties

Focuser Methods