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What's New in FocusMax V4

FocusMax V4

FocusMax is a dynamic auto-focusing software program that enables fast and accurate telescope focusing with off-the shelf motorized focusers. FocusMax is routinely used with unattended all-night robotic-telescope operations.

First offered to the astronomical community in 2001 to aid astronomers in the difficult task of focusing CCD-based telescopes. FocusMax has become the premier standalone auto-focusing software solution for thousands of professional and amateur astronomer’s worldwide. FocusMax is routinely used for automated asteroid and supernova searches, minor planet astrometry, variable star photometry, deep sky imaging, and more.  

The newly released FocusMax Version 4 includes a wide array of new features and capabilities.

What’s New

1.New focusing method that samples the star on both sides of with dynamic focus algorithm that adapts to varying seeing conditions to assure focus is placed within the Critical Focus Zone (CFZ)

2.FocusMax V4 works seamlessly with MaxIm DL V5/6, The SkyX Camera add-on, CCDSoft V5 (additional camera platforms coming).

3.Finding a suitable autofocus star has never been easier with PinPoint or TheSkyX Image Link plate solving technologies, simply press a button to identify candidate stars in the magnitude range for the current the active filter. FocusMax will:        

Take an image and plate solve the current telescope position

Slew the telescope to the first identified star in the list

Take an image, plate solve and fine tune the telescope pointing to center the star

Initiate the autofocus routine

Perform a return slew

Take an image, plate solve and fine tune the telescope pointing to the original coordinates.

4.FocusMax V4 is designed to work with two independent cameras and focusers along across 1 or 2 different imaging platforms. The following camera/focuser assignments may include:

Imaging platform #1

Imaging platform #2

Camera #1

Camera #2

Camera #1

Camera #2













5.User-can specify exposure times for each filter in a filter wheel which will be automatically adjusted up or down to achieve a desired star flux value.

6.Intuitive and customizable user interface with consolidated windows to reduce screen clutter. Easily navigate to any main function window using ‘soft buttons’. The user may customize command button shapes and colors.

7.Easy to use statistical tools and graphs are provided to aid the user in analyzing Vcurve and Temperature Compensation data

8.Real time temperature compensation for 2 active focusers utilizing all new FocusMax temperature compensation methods or standard focuser driver

9.Improved FirstLight Wizard for collecting Vcurve system data

10.Improved Temperature Compensation Wizards with PinPoint and TheSkyX ImagLink for automated star selection

Key Features

Multiple precision focusing algorithms

New dynamic focus algorithm that adapts to seeing conditions

Interface with MaxIm DL and TheSkyX Camera Add-on (more coming)

Autofocus support for 2 cameras, 2 focusers, across 2 imaging platforms

Automatically find and acquire suitable focus stars using PinPoint or TheSky X Image Link

Intuitive interface which can be customized

Improved Wizards to automatically cre ate Vcurves and collect temperature compensation data

Ability to load and run custom scripts