Telescope Window

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Telescope Window

Telescope control is an integral part FocusMax which provides advanced capabilities such as an automated Center Star function, Slew, AcquireStar, etc.

The Telescope window provides information on current telescope:

Right Ascension (RA)

Declination (Dec)

Local Sidereal Time (LST)

Hour Angle E (-) and W (+) of the meridian.

Azimuth (Az)

Altitude (Alt)


Slew buttons

N, S, E, W slew buttons will allow you to slew the telescope a specified slew distance in minutes and secs.

Center star

The Center star will trigger FocusMax to:

Take an image

Automatically find the brightest star in the image

Slew the telescope to center the star.

This feature requires that the system first be calibrated - see Preferences / Telescope.

Find After Center

The Find after Center option will take an image to verify the star is centered