Migrating from FocusMax V3 to V4

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Migrating from FocusMax V3 TO V4

Follow these simple steps to migrate from FocusMax V3 to FocusMax V4

1) Copy your FocusMax V3 system.ini files to FocusMax V4 (default directory: C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\FocusMax V4)

2) Open System window and press the small button select your system.ini

3) Open the Profile window and verify your Vcurve data by pressing the Graph button. Any points outside of the dotted lines can be excluded by changing the 'Y' to 'N' or they can be deleted.

4) Open the Preferences window (Menu/Open/Preferences) and set your focuser, camera software and telescope. Press the connect buttons to connect to your hardware.

This would be a good time to review the next topic 'Getting Started.'