The System window shows the hardware that is specified in Preferences
System 1 & System 2 boxes
FocsuMax has the ability to control 2 cameras and 2 focusers.
The information displayed in each System box shows the current assigned focuser, camera and system file for each configuration.
Pressing the small button to the right of the System name box will allow you to select and load a new system configuration.
Open Preferences / Setup window to change the assigned camera(s) and focuser(s)
If the focuser is capable of temperature compensation then the Temp Comp check box will be enabled
Run Script
Custom scripts can created, loaded and run.
Press the small colored button with three dots to the right of the Run Script box to open a script.
Press the small button with '>' to run the script
Pressing the Map button will open a window that will allow you to 'map' a custom script to a FocusMax COM method such as:
This will allow the user to substitute a custom script when a host application such as CCDAP, ACP, etc. calls one of the above COM methods, the custom script will be loaded and executed. Several custom scripts can be found in the script directory which can be mapped.
You have two telescopes, focusers and cameras on one mount which are setup in System #1 and #2. You would like to focus both instruments under automation via a host application. You have setup all of the parameters for each filter in AcquireStar for System #1 and #2.
Map the custom script "AcquireStar_Two_Focusers.vbs" to the AcquireStar COM method in the Map Script window. When the host application initiates AcquireStarAsync, then the custom script is loaded and proceeds to focus both instruments using the defined AcquireStar star magnitudes for the filter in use.