Release Notes for ACP Expert Scheduler V8.1

This is a minor release containing a few new features, improvements, and bug fixes that were discovered after release 8.0. It requires ACP 8.1 (not the service release to 8.0, the real ACP 8.1). If you are upgrading from V3.X or before, please read the 8.0 release notes! Several infrequently used features have been implemented by hashtags in the Description field of request elements. You should probably review Special Features in Text Fields right now.

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Release Notes for ACP Expert Scheduler V8.0

This is ACP Expert Scheduler Version 8.0, part of a major upgrade to both ACP and Scheduler. The version has been bumped to 8 to coincide with the "matching" version of ACP. It requires ACP 8.0. At a minimum please look over the items below, as they are really important especially for existing users upgrading!

Please note these changes:

  1. StartupObs and ShutdownObs scripts, as well as Scheduler-specific file/folder customization config files ImageFileConfig and LogFileConfig, have moved to Public Documents\ACP Config\Scheduler, in keeping with the security model of Windows 7 and later. If Scheduler finds any of these files in the old Program Files\ACP Scheduler location it will immediately move it to the new location.
  2. There is no more Single Observer version. With the continuing integration of ACP and Scheduler into ACP Expert, we have eliminated the single observer version and everyone now has Multi Observer functionality.
  3. The SchedulerCalFrames.txt plan no longer needs to explicitly close the dome. Scheduler does this anyway. See Dawn Calibration Frames.
  4. If you have an old ShutdownObs script in which you disconnect the weather, remove that logic. The weather has already been disconnected before the script runs.
  5. If you have a "special needs" building (like a low-hanging roll off) where you can't just "close up", you now need to supply Scheduler with a special script CloseSpecialRoof which will get your building closed safely. This release (3.8) of Scheduler includes a template SampleCloseSpecialRoof.js (in the new config file area Public Documents\ACP Config\Scheduler) for this. See Dawn Calibration Frames.
  6. In your StartupObs script, you must insert a statement Util.WaitForMilliseconds(5000) after turning on the camera cooler (Camera.CoolerOn = true). This is a required hack for MaxIm 6.05.
  7. If you have been using the 3 separate calibration properties (Dark, Bias, Flat) in RTML, be aware that these are deprecated. Setting any of them will cause a full image calibration to be done by MaxIm using its Calibration Wizard.
  8. If you have code that uses the XML_RTML23 COM object for constructing RTML, note that this component is deprecated. It has been replaced with the new DC3.RTML23.RTML object.
  9. If you import ACP Plans, note that no longer is the Moon Avoidance Lorentzian constraint pre-set.

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Release Notes for Scheduler V3.7

This release is mostly for proper handling of panel/screen flats, and for numerous ACP programming API additions that occurred between ACP 7.1 and ACP 7.2. The fact that ACP and Scheduler are now released as a matched set has greatly eased the process of making additions to ACP's programming API!

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Older release notes (pre-3.7)