Release Notes for Scheduler V3.6

This release is for a number improvements to the web Schedule Browser and several areas of documentation, as well as for integration with the new ASCOM Fast Scriptable Access to MPC Comet Elements Database soft00cmt.txt (MPCCOMET) comet database facility. The latter allows putting comet names, numbers, and designations into the Planet specification of a scheduler Observation. This Hot Fix requires ACP 7.1, which already includes the MPCCOMET facility as part of its installation. While we were at it, though, a number of other annoying but modest and safe changes were applied! As this took shape, we found a number of obsolete bits of info in the documentation, which were corrected.

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Release Notes for Scheduler V3.5.3 (Hot Fix)

Update for synchronization, weather, and dome control issues. No new features. The logic for handling weather unsafe/safe events has been extensively refactored to make it more robust for frequent changes in weather status. Also, the linkage between the Scheduler and ACP has been extended so that script errors in ACP scripts are passed back to the Scheduler for diagnosis and logging.

Changes and Fixes

Release Notes for Scheduler V3.5

This is a minor release for a couple of bugs and several small feature additions.

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V3.4

This is a small release, mainly for supporting the new forms integration with the ACP main web interface. The older submission forms are still in the Scheduler web UI, but will be removed eventually. The Scheduler UI will turn into something like a web-based Schedule Browser. Also this release picks up some startup and shutdown sequencing issues relating to weather unsafe events during startup and shutdown.

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V3.3

This turned out to be a fairly major release. It is "paired" with ACP V6.0, which has new automation interfaces which are incompatible with earlier Scheduler versions. Images and ACP run logs resulting from web submissions are now automatically routed to the web user's normal (ACP) images and logs folders. No more hacking with ImageFileConfig.txt is needed. The most important bugs fixed were scheduler failures at dusk and dawn when the weather is unsafe. Guiding decision logic has been enhanced, including honoring the new ACP 6.0 "Disable Aggregation" setting, and pointing updates are now only done when needed per the ACP "Max Slew Without Pointing Update" setting.

Critical Changes:

The following changes are particularly noteworthy:

  1. The database version has changed from 2.0 to 2.3. If you have older databases (apart from SchedulerData.mdb), you will not be able to use them unless you convert them. The normal database SchedulerData.mdb is automatically upgraded by the 3.3 installer. To upgrade an older database, rename your SchedulerData.mdb, then rename your older database to SchedulerData.mdb, then run the script UpdateDatabase.vbs. Importing XML dumps, including entire database dumps, from a 2.0 database is supported, and the resulting database will be 2.3.
  2. The event types for the VOEVent receiver have changed, and the templates, filters, etc. have changed as well. The Generate Fake menu is now generated from the FakeEvent files so you can define as many types as you want and use the fake generation facilities.

New Features and Improvements

Changes and Fixes

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V3.2

This is a minor release, made necessary by the breaking of Dawn Flats during the final stage of testing of 3.1. Several additional small things were done post-3.1 and have been included:

New Features

Changes and Fixes

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V3.1

New Features

Changes and Fixes

Known Issues

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V3.0 Hot Fix 1

New Features and Changes (HF1)

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V3.0

Features and Changes for 3.0

Older Release Notes for Scheduler V2.1

Features and Changes for V2.1

Known Issues