ICameraV2Gain Property
Index into the Gains array for the selected camera gain

Namespace: ASCOM.DeviceInterface
Assembly: ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces (in ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces.dll) Version: (
short Gain { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Int16
Short integer index for the current camera gain in the Gains string array.

Return Value

Type: Int16
Index into the Gains array for the selected camera gain
PropertyNotImplementedExceptionMust throw an exception if gain is not supported
NotConnectedExceptionMust throw an exception if the information is not available. (Some drivers may require an active connection in order to retrieve necessary information from the camera.)
InvalidValueExceptionMust throw an exception if not valid.

May throw a PropertyNotImplementedException if Gain is not supported by the camera.

Gain can be used to adjust the gain setting of the camera, if supported. There are two typical usage scenarios:
  • DSLR Cameras - Gains will return a 0-based array of strings, which correspond to different gain settings such as "ISO 800". Gain must be set to an integer in this range. GainMin and GainMax must thrown an exception if this mode is used.
  • Adjustable gain CCD cameras - GainMin and GainMax return integers, which specify the valid range for GainMin and Gain.

The driver must default Gain to a valid value.

Please note that ReadoutMode may in some cases affect the gain of the camera; if so the driver must be written such that the two properties do not conflict if both are used.

This is only available for the Camera Interface Version 2

See Also