Request.Correction Property
Request.Correction (read-write, Correction)
A Correction object specifying the calibration and other corrections for this Request
Request.Correction [= Correction]
The property syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
Value (Correction) |
A Correction object specifying the calibration and other corrections for this Request |
Note that these corrections are applied to all repeated images in all Pictures in all Targets that belong to this Request.

If the RTML is for for ACP Scheduler, then if
any of the corrections
Fringe, or
Zero are true, a full image calibration will be performed using the image processing system (MaxIm DL, etc.). Only the
FixPix correction is separate, and if true will cause a hot-pixel removal to be performed, and
only if any of the other corrections are specified. In other words, FixPix by itself will not do anything.
Copyright © 2000-2014, Robert B. Denny, Mesa, AZ