Util.ChainParameter Property

 Util.ChainParameter  (read-write, Variant)
A Variant value set by a chaining script, or Null.


Util.ChainParameter [= Variant]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (Variant) A Variant value set by a chaining script, or Null.


Use this in conjunction with Util.ChainScript(). It is a variant, so it may be set to any type of data, including an Object or array. Set this property, then call Util.ChainScript(). The chained-to script will be able to retrieve the valuf of this property, and optionally set it to something else before chaining again.

The value of this property will remain uinchanged (unless changed via script) through a series of Util.ChainScript() operations. If a script exits without calling Util.ChainScript(), this property is erased; its value is set to Null. If the value was set to an Object, the object is first released before the value is set to Null.