Dome.SlaveWhileImaging Property
Dome.SlaveWhileImaging (read-only, Boolean)
The complement of the value of the advanced dome preferences "Inhibit slaving while imaging"
The property syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
Value (Boolean) |
The complement of the value of the advanced dome preferences "Inhibit slaving while imaging" |
This is not used internally by ACP. It is used by scripts to control the dome's Slaved property while controlling the imager.

When the Slaved property is changed from False to True, an immediate check is made to see if slaving slew is needed and if so it is immediately done. Thus a script that is implementing this feature can simply turn slaving on between images and be guaranteed of a slave slew if it is needed at that time.
Copyright © 2000-2016, Robert B. Denny, Mesa, AZ