Console.Alert() Method

Display a modal alert


Console.Alert(Icon, Message, [WebTimeout])

The method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Icon (Icons) The icon to display in the alert
Message (String) The message to display. May be HTML if using web console
WebTimeout (Long) Timeout for the web virtual console (seconds, default 300) See note below.
Return (Nothing) Does not return a value.


Shows a modal alert with the specified icon and an OK button or equivalent on the web virtual console. For the web virtual console, a third optional parameter WebTimeout may be supplied. See below.

The local console will show the consIconInfo icon if consIconOK specified, as there is no "OK" icon on the Windows GUI.

This method will raise an error after 300 seconds if the request comes from the web and the user does not respond within this interval. The timeout can be modified by including the optional WebTimeout parameter in the call.

WebTimeout Notes

Symbolic Constants

The (symbolic) values for Icons are:

Constant Value Description
consIconInfo 1 Information icon
consIconQuestion 2 Question mark icon
consIconWarning 3 Exclamation point icon
consIconError 4 "X" icon
consIconOK 5 Checkmark icon