Dome Object
The ACP dome controller object
Intrinsic This object represents ACP's dome controller. This provides access to the dome (or building) controls. For real domes, you can home and/or park the dome. For domes and roll-off roofs, you can open and close the shutter or roof. It also provides properties to sense the capabilities of the dome or building, and determine the park, home, and shutter or roof state.
ACP.Dome cannot be created directly by external automation clients, however the master copy of Dome is available as Util.Dome. Creating a copy of Util will give access to Dome from external automation objects. You do not need to do this in ACP scripts or ASP pages, where Dome is available directly within the script namespace.

The Dome object in ACP does not implement the ASCOM Dome driver interface. ACP manages slewing and slaving of the dome internally, therefore many low-level driver properties are not exposed. You cannot use Util.Dome as an ASCOM dome hub. If you need to have multiple programs control your dome, turn off ACP's dome control and use a component such as POTH or ASCOM Dome Control as the control program. These components provide dome hub services. You will lose some of ACP's automation and optimization of dome control, however.
Copyright © 2000-2016, Robert B. Denny, Mesa, AZ