CoordinateTransform Object

ACP Coordinate Transformation Object


This object implements coordinate transformations between equatorial (RA/Dec) and topocentric (Alt/Az) coordinates. The transformation is valid for a particular latitude and sidereal time. When you create a CoordinateTransform object (using the Util.NewCT() or Util.NewCTHereAndNow() methods), the object is set for the specified latitude and sidereal time. You can then repeatedly set coordinates of one type then retrieve the transformed coordinates of the other type.

Note: Whenever you change one of the coordinate properties, the transformation is recalculated. For example, if you change the Altitude property, the RightAscension, HourAngle, and Declination properties are immediately recalculated.

The transformations are very easy to do with this object. For example, to transform between thses systems using your current geographic location and time: