For this driver, please select Finger Lakes on the Setup tab.
All Finger Lakes Instrumentation CCD cameras are supported by this driver. It supports USB, and Ethernet interfaces.
Please note that you may need to update your FLI driver installation in order for this interface to work, even if older software functions with your camera. New drivers may be downloaded from Please contact FLI for assistance with their camera drivers and this plug-in driver.
The driver will auto-detect the camera upon startup. You may select the camera from the drop list under Connect To.
The Shutter Mode option can select the shutter behavior for autoguiding operation. When selected to Normal, the shutter opens only during an exposure. When set to Main w/Guider, the shutter is closed during download but is opened between exposures, to allow the autoguider to reacquire lock following download (the shutter is located in front of the autoguider pick-off port). When set to Guider, the shutter is held open continuously, to prevent excessive wear (the very slight blurring during readout does not affect guiding accuracy).
Pre-exp Flushes allows you to configure how many flush cycles are run before the exposure starts. Increase this to ensure that residual charge is completely flushed; decrease it to reduce the delay at the start of the exposure.
Availability of this feature depends on Product Level.