

Document.RotationalGradient ( Type, Angle, Bicubic[, XCenter, YCenter ] )


RotationalGradientType Type - specifies type of rotational gradient to apply

mxRGSimple (0) : Simple subtraction filter

mxRGLarsonSekanina (1) : Larson-Sekanina filter

Float Angle - angle to rotate image

Boolean Bicubic - enables bicubic resampling

VARIANT XCenter - [optional] X coordinate of center of rotation

VARIANT YCenter - [optional] Y coordinate of center of rotation




Applies a rotational gradient filter to the image to enhance faint radial structure.  The Type parameter specifies either the Simple Subtraction method or the Larson-Sekanina filter.  Angle is the number of degrees by which the image is rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise prior to the calculation of the differences; pixel interpolation is bicubic if Bicubic is True and is otherwise bilinear.  The rotation center can be specified by the optional arguments XCenter and YCenter; if they are omitted, it is calculated as the centroid of the brightest region of the image, after filtering to remove the effect of hot pixels, etc.

This method is equivalent to the RotationalGradient commands.