Several objects are available:
An Application object corresponds to a MaxIm DL session, whether started from a script or by the user. The methods and properties of the Application object allow your scripts to access the documents that are open to MaxIm DL, and to perform calibration setup and several other operations that either affect the program as a whole or at least do not involve a single specific document.
A CCDCamera object allows you to control a CCD Camera, Autoguider, and Filter Wheel.
A Document object corresponds to an image open in MaxIm DL, whether it was loaded from a file or acquired by your CCD camera. The methods and properties of the Document object allow your scripts to perform almost all the image processing operations that you can do using MaxIm DL's menus and dialog boxes, and to access or change the image's pixel values.
A Documents object is a collection of Document objects. Calling Application.Documents will return a collection of all open image documents. Note that if you subsequently open or close another document, you will have to fetch a new Documents object; it is not updated automatically.