
FocusMax is a third-party tool that integrates with MaxIm DL to provide enhanced autofocus capabilities. It is fast and extremely accurate, and can handle ”relative mode” focusers, i.e. those that use DC motors and cannot produce fully repeatable positioning.

Connecting FocusMax can be a little confusing. It links to MaxIm DL’s camera control interface automatically. It needs to connect to an ASCOM focuser. It optionally connects to an ASCOM telescope, to provide special functions (such as automatically moving to a nearby focusing star and then returning to the original coordinates).

MaxIm DL can also connect to the focuser at the same time, by connecting to RoboFocus as the driver. However, it is simpler to use the POTH hub for both the focuser and telescope, and connect FocusMax and MaxIm DL directly to POTH, and POTH to the focuser and telescope.

Tip:  FocusMax likes to reposition the MaxIm DL windows, which is very distracting if you are doing things other than focusing.  You can turn that feature off as follows: select Set menu, Window Arrangement, Disable.

Please see for more information.