File formats are used to store image information in a consistent way so that they can be shared between applications. The files often include ”headers” which contain extra information on the image, such as dimensions and exposure time. The following formats are supported by MaxIm DL (please note that availability of DSLR formats depends on product level.):
BMP - Bit Map graphics file, used in Windows and OS/2 systems
CCD - format used by PC-Lynxx cameras
CR2, CRW - Canon camera raw format
DCR - Kodak camera raw format
DNG - Adobe Digital Negative camera raw format
ERF - Epson camera raw format
FITS - Flexible Image Transport System, the standard for astronomical images. This is the recommended format.
JPEG - a widely-used ”lossy” format used for high image compression ratios
MRF - Minolta camera raw format
NEF - Nikon camera raw format
ORF - Olympus camera raw format
PNG - Portable Network Graphics, a file type with lossless compression
RAF - Fujifilm camera raw format
Raw Binary - unformatted image; a binary array of integer or real values
SRF - Sony camera raw format
ST... - formats used by SBIG cameras (FITS is now recommended over the SBIG formats)
TIFF - Tag Image File Format, a widely-used image format