

Document.CombineColor ( Method, BgdAutoEqualize, RDoc, GDoc, BDoc [, LDoc, LWeight [, ColorSpace]])


CombineColorType Method - specifies the type of the input images

mxRGB (0) : Red, Green, and Blue

mxLRGB (1) : Red, Green, Blue, and Luminance

mxCMY (2) : Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow

mxLCMY (3) : Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Luminance

Boolean BgdAutoEqualize - controls whether automatic background equalization is performed

Document RDoc - the document containing the image taken through the red (RGB and LRGB modes) or cyan (CMY and LCMY modes) filter


String RDoc - alternatively, a document can be identified by DisplayName

Document GDoc - the document containing the image taken through the green (RGB and LRGB modes) or magenta (CMY and LCMY modes) filter


String GDoc - alternatively, a document can be identified by DisplayName

Document BDoc - the document containing the image taken through the blue (RGB and LRGB modes) or yellow (CMY and LCMY modes) filter


String BDoc - alternatively, a document can be identified by DisplayName

Document LDoc- [optional] the monochrome document containing the luminance data


String LDoc - alternatively, a document can be identified by DisplayName

Float LWeight - [optional] weight applied to the luminance data (0-100%)

Integer ColorSpace - [optional] specifies the color space used in LRGB and LCMY conversions:

0 : CIE 1976 L*a*b*, also known as CIELAB

1 : normalized RGB vector scaled by Luminance

2 : HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)




Combines three (RGB, CMY) or four (LRGB, LCMY) monochrome images, taken through different color filters, into a single tricolor image. The images can be specified either as Document objects, or as strings giving the display name (window title) of documents already open in MaxIm DL; they must have been previously aligned (see AlignImages). When separate luminance data is provided, the parameter LWeight specifies the proportion of the final image luminance taken from that source, as opposed to derived from the color images. Background equalization adjusts the images to compensate for any differences in the average background level. ColorSpace is used only for LRGB and LCMY images, and determines how luminance data is incorporated. It can be substituted in L*a*b* or HSL color space, or the derived RGB ratios can be applied directly to the Luminance frame.

This method is equivalent to the Combine Color command.