Document.ColorSmooth ( Type, Weight, Cutoff )
LowpassFilterType Type - type of low-pass filter to be used in color smoothing
mxFFTLowPass (0): Fast Fourier Transform low pass filter
mxKernelLowPass (1): Kernel low pass filter using 3x3 neighbourhoods
mxKernelLowPassMore (2): Kernel low pass filter using 5x5 neighbourhoods
Float Weight - weight (0 to 100%) applied to filter output when mixing with original input data to produce the final result
Float Cutoff - radius of filter cutoff as percentage of image size for FFT filter; has no effect on kernel filters
Smooths color variations in an image without reducing image sharpness. Type specifies which of MaxIm DL's low pass filter methods is applied to the color information in the image. When using the FFT filter, the Cutoff parameter controls its strength; 5% corresponds to a mild filter, 2.5% to medium, and 1.5% to hard. (These values are for illustration: any desired values can be used.) Cutoff is ignored when using a Kernel low pass filter. The output image is a weighted average of the filter output and the input image, controlled by the parameter Weight.
This method is equivalent to the Color Smoothing command.