

CCDCamera.CameraStatus (read only) :  CameraStatusCode)



csNoCamera (0) : Camera is not connected

csError (1) : Camera is reporting an error

csIdle (2) : Camera is connected but inactive

csExposing (3) : Camera is exposing a light image

csReading (4) : Camera is reading an image from the sensor array

csDownloading (5) : Camera is downloading an image to the computer

csFlushing (6) : Camera is flushing the sensor array

csWaitTrigger (7) : Camera is waiting for a trigger signal

csWaiting (8) : Camera Control Window is waiting for MaxIm DL to be ready to accept an image

csDelay (9) : Camera Control is waiting for it to be time to acquire next image

csExposingAutoDark (10) : Camera is exposing a dark needed by Simple Auto Dark

csExposingBias (11) : Camera is exposing a Bias frame

csExposingDark (12) : Camera is exposing a Dark frame

csExposingFlat (13) : Camera is exposing a Flat frame

csFilterWheelMoving (15) : Camera Control window is waiting for filter wheel or focuser

csWaitingForManualShutter (20) : Camera Control Window is waiting for operator to cover or uncover the telescope

csExposingRed (24) : Camera is exposing a red image (MaxIm+ only)

csExposingGreen (25) : Camera is exposing a green image (MaxIm+ only)

csExposingBlue (26) : Camera is exposing a blue image (MaxIm+ only)

csExposingVideo (27) : Camera is exposing a video clip

csGuidingSuspended (28) : Autoguiding is suspended while main camera is downloading

csWaitingForDownload (29) : Guide camera is waiting for main camera to finish downloading


Reports the activity state of the main camera reported at the last "tick" of the camera controller.  (This typically  happens at 50 msec intervals.) Note that the available CameraStatusCode values are not all contiguous, and not all values can be returned by all cameras, or indeed by all versions of MaxIm DL.