ITelescopeV3.DoesRefraction Property
True if the telescope or driver applies atmospheric refraction to coordinates.

Namespace: ASCOM.DeviceInterface
Assembly: ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces (in ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces.dll) Version: (
bool DoesRefraction { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
PropertyNotImplementedExceptionEither read or write or both properties can throw PropertyNotImplementedException if not implemented
If this property is True, the coordinates sent to, and retrieved from, the telescope are unrefracted.

This is only available for telescope InterfaceVersions 2 and 3


  • If the driver does not know whether the attached telescope does its own refraction, and if the driver does not itself calculate refraction, this property (if implemented) must raise an error when read.
  • Writing to this property is optional. Often, a telescope (or its driver) calculates refraction using standard atmospheric parameters.
  • If the client wishes to calculate a more accurate refraction, then this property could be set to False and these client-refracted coordinates used.
  • If disabling the telescope or driver's refraction is not supported, the driver must raise an error when an attempt to set this property to False is made.
  • Setting this property to True for a telescope or driver that does refraction, or to False for a telescope or driver that does not do refraction, shall not raise an error. It shall have no effect.

See Also