ISwitchV2SupportedActions Property
Returns the list of action names supported by this driver.

Namespace: ASCOM.DeviceInterface
Assembly: ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces (in ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces.dll) Version: (
ArrayList SupportedActions { get; }

Property Value

Type: ArrayList
An ArrayList of strings (SafeArray collection) containing the names of supported actions.
DriverExceptionMust throw an exception if the call was not successful

Must be implemented

This method must return an empty arraylist if no actions are supported. Please do not throw a PropertyNotImplementedException.

This is an aid to client authors and testers who would otherwise have to repeatedly poll the driver to determine its capabilities. Returned action names may be in mixed case to enhance presentation but will be recognised case insensitively in the Action method.

An array list collection has been selected as the vehicle for action names in order to make it easier for clients to determine whether a particular action is supported. This is easily done through the Contains method. Since the collection is also ennumerable it is easy to use constructs such as For Each ... to operate on members without having to be concerned about hom many members are in the collection.

Collections have been used in the Telescope specification for a number of years and are known to be compatible with COM. Within .NET the ArrayList is the correct implementation to use as the .NET Generic methods are not compatible with COM.

See Also