IObservingConditionsDewPoint Property
Atmospheric dew point at the observatory

Namespace: ASCOM.DeviceInterface
Assembly: ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces (in ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces.dll) Version: (
double DewPoint { get; }

Property Value

Type: Double
Atmospheric dew point reported in °C.
PropertyNotImplementedExceptionIf this property is not available.
NotConnectedExceptionIf the device is not connected and this information is only available when connected.

Optional property, can throw a PropertyNotImplementedException when the Humidity property also throws a PropertyNotImplementedException.

Mandatory property, must NOT throw a PropertyNotImplementedException when the Humidity property is implemented.

The units of this property are degrees Celsius. Driver and application authors can use the ConvertUnits(Double, Units, Units) method to convert these units to and from degrees Farenhheit.

The ASCOM specification requires that DewPoint and Humidity are either both implemented or both throw PropertyNotImplementedExceptions. It is not allowed for one to be implemented and the other to throw a PropertyNotImplementedException. The Utilities component contains methods (DewPoint2Humidity(Double, Double) and Humidity2DewPoint(Double, Double)) to convert DewPoint to Humidity and vice versa given the ambient temperature.

See Also