ICameraV2BayerOffsetY Property
Returns the Y offset of the Bayer matrix, as defined in SensorType.

Namespace: ASCOM.DeviceInterface
Assembly: ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces (in ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces.dll) Version: (
short BayerOffsetY { get; }

Return Value

Type: Int16
The Bayer colour matrix Y offset, as defined in SensorType.
PropertyNotImplementedExceptionMonochrome cameras must throw this exception, colour cameras must not.
NotConnectedExceptionMust throw an exception if the information is not available. (Some drivers may require an active connection in order to retrieve necessary information from the camera.)
InvalidValueExceptionMust throw an exception if not valid.

Must be implemented by colour cameras, monochrome cameras must throw a PropertyNotImplementedException

Since monochrome cameras don't have a bayer colour matrix by definition, such cameras shold throw a PropertyNotImplementedException. Colour cameras should always return a value and must not throw a PropertyNotImplementedException

The value returned must be in the range 0 to M-1 where M is the width of the Bayer matrix. The offset is relative to the 0,0 pixel in the sensor array, and does not change to reflect subframe settings.

It is recommended that this function be called only after a connection is established with the camera hardware, to ensure that the driver is aware of the capabilities of the specific camera model.

This is only available for the Camera Interface Version 2

See Also