ITelescopeV3 Methods

The ITelescopeV3 type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbortSlew
Stops a slew in progress.
Public methodCode exampleAction
Invokes the specified device-specific action.
Public methodAxisRates
Determine the rates at which the telescope may be moved about the specified axis by the MoveAxis(TelescopeAxes, Double) method.
Public methodCanMoveAxis
True if this telescope can move the requested axis
Public methodCommandBlind
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and does not wait for a response. Optionally, protocol framing characters may be added to the string before transmission.
Public methodCommandBool
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and waits for a boolean response. Optionally, protocol framing characters may be added to the string before transmission.
Public methodCommandString
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and waits for a string response. Optionally, protocol framing characters may be added to the string before transmission.
Public methodDestinationSideOfPier
Predict side of pier for German equatorial mounts
Public methodDispose
Dispose the late-bound interface, if needed. Will release it via COM if it is a COM object, else if native .NET will just dereference it for GC.
Public methodFindHome
Locates the telescope's "home" position (synchronous)
Public methodMoveAxis
Move the telescope in one axis at the given rate.
Public methodPark
Move the telescope to its park position, stop all motion (or restrict to a small safe range), and set AtPark to True.
Public methodPulseGuide
Moves the scope in the given direction for the given interval or time at the rate given by the corresponding guide rate property
Public methodSetPark
Sets the telescope's park position to be its current position.
Public methodSetupDialog
Launches a configuration dialog box for the driver. The call will not return until the user clicks OK or cancel manually.
Public methodSlewToAltAz
Move the telescope to the given local horizontal coordinates, return when slew is complete
Public methodSlewToAltAzAsync
This Method must be implemented if CanSlewAltAzAsync returns True.
Public methodSlewToCoordinates
Move the telescope to the given equatorial coordinates, return when slew is complete
Public methodSlewToCoordinatesAsync
Move the telescope to the given equatorial coordinates, return immediately after starting the slew.
Public methodSlewToTarget
Move the telescope to the TargetRightAscension and TargetDeclination coordinates, return when slew complete.
Public methodSlewToTargetAsync
Move the telescope to the TargetRightAscension and TargetDeclination coordinates, returns immediately after starting the slew.
Public methodSyncToAltAz
Matches the scope's local horizontal coordinates to the given local horizontal coordinates.
Public methodSyncToCoordinates
Matches the scope's equatorial coordinates to the given equatorial coordinates.
Public methodSyncToTarget
Matches the scope's equatorial coordinates to the given equatorial coordinates.
Public methodUnpark
Takes telescope out of the Parked state.
See Also