ICameraV2 Methods

The ICameraV2 type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbortExposure
Aborts the current exposure, if any, and returns the camera to Idle state.
Public methodCode exampleAction
Invokes the specified device-specific action.
Public methodCommandBlind
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and does not wait for a response. Optionally, protocol framing characters may be added to the string before transmission.
Public methodCommandBool
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and waits for a boolean response. Optionally, protocol framing characters may be added to the string before transmission.
Public methodCommandString
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and waits for a string response. Optionally, protocol framing characters may be added to the string before transmission.
Public methodDispose
Dispose the late-bound interface, if needed. Will release it via COM if it is a COM object, else if native .NET will just dereference it for GC.
Public methodPulseGuide
Activates the Camera's mount control sytem to instruct the mount to move in a particular direction for a given period of time
Public methodSetupDialog
Launches a configuration dialog box for the driver. The call will not return until the user clicks OK or cancel manually.
Public methodStartExposure
Starts an exposure. Use ImageReady to check when the exposure is complete.
Public methodStopExposure
Stops the current exposure, if any.
See Also