Importing Observing Lists From SkyTools™

The SkyTools program is a powerful planning tool with a huge set of databases, images, and other features. ACP Planner can import the SkyTools observing list, creating targets in its own list in the same order. The SkyTools planning system can generate a list of targets and their coordinates in an optimum order. It does not, however, export timing or position angle info. Still, you can save a lot of time by importing the target list (as opposed to manually creating new targets and entering their coordinates) in ACP Planner! . Let's see how.

Configuring SkyTools

SkyTools can export data in a variety of formats with varying data items. Create a SkyTools column scheme and call it something like ACP Plan Input. Select only two columns, Primary Designation and Coordinates J2000 Astrometric. Check it in Notepad, you should see something like this:

General info about observing conditions, time, etc.

Primary ID                         J200 RA     J2000 Dec
Butterfly                       	17h40m31.6s	-32°11'53"
M 7                             	17h54m24.7s	-34°47'43"

Importing the Observing List

Once you have the the SkyTools observing list on the clipboard:

  1. Alt-Tab to switch to ACP Planner (or start it if needed).
  2. In the File menu, select Import SkyTools... The Planner "Import SkyTools " window will appear (you'll see an error popup if you don't have SkyTools data on the clipboard).
  3. Specify the time (local) at which you want acquisition of the first target to begin. The time must be in the future, of course, and the initial time shown is the ending time of the last target in your plan, or 10 minutes from now if you have no targets in your plan. See below for more information.
  4. If you are acquiring multiple images of each target, you can tell the observatory to "dither" the images slightly. For astro-imaging, this can sometimes improve the quality of the stacked images.
  5. (optional, only if you are exporting to ACP Scheduler) Enter the minimum altitude at which ACP Scheduler will allow observations of all images of all targets.
  6. Click Import to add the SkyTools targets to your plan.
  7. Starting with the first target, add images to each target. As you add images via a preset, or manually followed by clicking the Update button, you'll see a popup telling you that this target's expected acquisition time has increased, and asking you if you want to push subsequent targets out in time to make room. Answer yes. Repeat for all of the SkyTools imported targets.
  8. Now review your plan, looking at the starting times for each target. If you've planned well, they will start around the time SkyTools recommends. If you need to manually push a target out (later) in time, you can do this by right-clicking on the target and selecting Edit.

noteIf you have a rotator, you will have to edit each target and enter its Position Angle.