Using Filters

ACP supports extended filter controls, including focus offset support and selection of filters for use in auto-focus and pointing updates. These optional settings for filter usage are contained in a file called FilterInfo.txt. This file must be placed into the ACP configuration file folder Public Documents\ACP Config. ACP includes a tool that can automatically create this file for you.

noteBefore doing anything, make sure that the filter names configured in MaxIm's Filter Setup do not have any blank rows between the real filters. The best solution is to arrange your filters so they are contiguous in the wheel. If you must have an empty slot between others, give that slot a name like "Do Not Use". This will be a live filter though and will be measured in the process described below. Clear out the unused filter slot names at the end as well.

If told to autofocus for a target (#autofocus), ACP (without the presence of FilterInfo.txt) will refocus after every filter change (very inefficient!), and it uses the configured "Clear" filter for pointing exposures.

noteWhether or not you have parfocal filters, we strongly recommend that you set up your focus offsets. It's so easy, see Setting Up Focus Offsets the Easy Way below. It will keep you from having to create the FilterInfo.txt file yourself, and give you the opportunity of adjusting the focus star mags for each filter (if you are not using FocusMax AcquireStar).

Setting Up Focus Offsets the Easy Way

noteBefore doing anything else, go into MaxIm's filter setup and remove the 'Filter n" names from the unused slots. ACP depends on the fact that when there is a name present, it corresponds to a real selectable filter!

ACP comes with a standard script FocusOffsets.vbs that will automatically determine focus offsets for your filter set and create the FilterInfo.txt file for you. If you have FocusMax installed, and AutoFocus enabled in ACP, simply run this script in ACP's console. It will make 5 focus position measurements through each of your filters then create the FilterInfo.txt file automatically. Load it into ACP's console and run it, then take a break! It may run for an hour or more.

If you have problems with your narrow band filters while running this script, you may need to create an initial FilterInfo.txt with 0 offsets but including brighter focus star magnitudes for the narrowband filters. See the next section for details. The 3 below is the "filter to be used for pointing updates and as the focusing reference filter" as set in ACP Preferences, Imaging tab. Normally this is the slot with your Luminance/Clear filter. The filters are in order they are in your wheel. The ';' starts comments which are ignored as well as the text thereafter. Here's an example that forces ACP to pick mag 4-6 stars for the narrowband filters. If you start with this, the FocusOffsets.vbs script will give brighter stars to the focusing software (FocusMax or PWI).

; Sample ACP extended filter info file
; Fields are offset, relative-to, use for pointing[, min-mag, max-mag]
0,  3,  3,           ; #0 Red,    relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
0,  3,  3,           ; #1 Green,  relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
0,  3,  3,           ; #2 Blue,   relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
0,  3,  3,           ; #3 Clear,  relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
0,  3,  3,  4,  6    ; #4 HAlpha, relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear, Mag 4-6 focus star
0,  3,  3,  4,  6    ; #5 OIII,   relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear, Mag 4-6 focus star

Overriding Focus Star Brightness

If you are not using FocusMax's AcquireStar feature, ACP chooses the focus star and then calls FocusMax. If you have narrowband filters, or if your scope has a large aperture and/or a sensitive imager, the default range of focus star brightness (mag 6-9) can be a problem. You can override ACP's choice of focus stars by specifying a magnitude range for any of the filters listed in FilterInfo.txt. For large scopes and/or sensitive imagers and wideband filters, you may want to go fainter to prevent focus star saturation and/or really short exposure times. For smaller scopes and narrowband filters you may want to choose brighter stars to allow focusing and even shorten focusing time by reducing the needed exposure time.

noteThe idea is to choose magnitudes that prevent saturation of focus stars, and result in focus exposures above a few seconds (to average seeing) and below tens of seconds (so focusing doesn't take forever!).

After using FocusOffsets.vbs to create your initial FilterInfo.txt file, open it up in Notepad (ASCII mode!). On each data line, the last two values are the magnitude range for the focus star to be used with that filter (see Format of FilterInfo.txt below). You'll see that they all are listed 6,9 (unlike the example below, which has the default values omitted). If you have narrowband filters (Hydrogen Alpha, Oxygen III, etc.) consider specifying brighter (lower magnitude) values. If you had to do this when running the initial measurement script (see above) the values you chose will be preserved. Once you have customized the focus star magnitude values, subsequent runs of FocusOffsets.vbs will use your mag values (improving its reliability!) and also preserve your changes.

If you insist on per-filter refocusing

Once you have FilterInfo.txt, ACP can avoid refocusing when it changes filters. If you have special requirements, or if you don't trust this approach (for example, if you have a focuser with poor repeatability), you can force ACP to refocus on each filter change. In ACP Preferences, AutoFocus tab, enable the option Force per-filter focusing even when FilterInfo is present.

Setting Up Focus Offsets the Hard Way (manually)

If you want to measure your focus offsets manually:

  1. Pick a filter to be used as the reference filter.
  2. Focus using the reference filter. Note the focus position (Fref).
  3. Focus using your other filters. Note the focus position of each (Fi)
  4. For each non-reference filter, calculate the focus offset Oi = Fi - Fref
In other words, the focus offset is the amount to move the focuser to get from focus with the reference filter to focus with the other filter.
noteYou should probably focus several times with each filter and use the average of the positions.


Now create a file called FilterInfo.txt, using Notepad or other text editor, and place it into the ACP configuration file folder Public Documents\ACP Config. This file contains, for each filter on your system, the focus offset for the filter, the filter to which that focus offset is relative, and the filter to use for pointing exposures, and optionally the values of the magnitude range for the focus star.

Format of FilterInfo.txt

FilterInfo.txt is an ASCII (not Unicode!) text file. It may contain spaces and tabs anywhere. Comments may be included, and they are indicated by a semicolon (';'). A line beginning with a semicolon will be ignored, and all text on any line that follows a semicolon will be ignored.

Filter info itself consists of one line per filter, in filter number order. Each line consists of three comma-delimited fields:

  1. The focus offset for the filter, for example, Clear or V.
  2. The filter number to which the offset applies. This is the filter that will be used for auto-focus.
  3. The filter number to be used for pointing exposures
  4. (optional) The minimum and maximum magnitudes for the focus star to be used with this filter. If present, both must be specified. The defaults are from mag 6 to mag 9.
noteIn ACP, filter numbers start with 0. In MaxIm, they start with 1. So, for example, filter number 4 in MaxIm is filter number 3 in ACP.

Simple Example FilterInfo.txt

; Sample ACP extended filter info file
; Fields are offset, relative-to, use for pointing[, min-mag, max-mag]
-10,  3,  3,         ; #0 Red,    relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
-5,   3,  3,         ; #1 Green,  relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
+15,  3,  3,         ; #2 Blue,   relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
0,    3,  3,         ; #3 Clear,  relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
-180, 3,  3,  4,  6  ; #4 HAlpha, relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear, Mag 4-6 focus star
The observatory to which the example applies has filters of Red, Green, Blue, Clear, and HAlpha in ACP positions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The focus offsets for Red, Green, Blue, and HAlpha are relative to filter #3, the Clear filter. Thus, all auto-focus operations will be done using the Clear filter (#3) as specified by the 3 in the second field of all entries. For any filter selected for imaging, pointing exposures will be done using the Clear filter, as specified by the 3 in the third field of all entries. Finally, the HAlpha filter's entry includes brighter than normal minimum and maximum magnitude values for the focus star (unless using FocusMax AcquireStar). The default mags are 6-9.

Advanced Example FilterInfo.txt

; Sample ACP extended focus info file
; Fields are offset, relative-to, use for pointing[, min-mag, max-mag]
; LRGB Group, relative to Clear
-10,  3,  3          ; #0 Red,    relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
-5,   3,  3          ; #1 Green,  relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
+15,  3,  3          ; #2 Blue,   relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
0,    3,  3          ; #3 Clear,  relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear
-180, 3,  3,  4,  6  ; #4 HAlpha, relative to Clear, Pointing w/Clear, Mag 4-6 focus star
; UBVRI Group, relative to V
+40,  7,  7,  4,  6  ; #5 U,      relative to V,     Pointing w/V,     Mag 4-6 focus star
+10,  7,  7          ; #6 B,      relative to V,     Pointing w/V
0,    7,  7          ; #7 V,      relative to V,     Pointing w/V
-12,  7,  8          ; #8 R,      relative to V,     Pointing w/R  <== NOTE (avoid filter changes)
-35,  7,  7,  5,  7  ; #9 I,      relative to V,     Pointing w/V,     Mag 5-7 focus star
This example organizes the filter set into two groups, one to be used for UBVRI photometry runs, and the other for use in color astrophotography. The filters have been physically placed into the filter-wheel in these groups. The first group is specified identically to the simple example above. The second group establishes the V filter as the reference for focus offsets, and therefore V will be used for auto-focus before imaging using any of these filters. U, B, V, and I use the V filter for pointing exposures. Pointing exposures with R selected for imaging will be done through the R filter, saving time for focus changes. The observer knows that R transmits enough light to be used for pointing exposures, and thus has chosen this optimization. Also note the custom focus star magnitude ranges for HAlpha, U, and I (see Overriding Focus Star Brightness above).
In this example, use of filters in the LRGB group requires that the Clear filter be focused, and use of filters in the UBVRI group requires that the V filter be focused. It is your responsibility to focus using the reference filter before using any other filters in a group! The easiest way to do this is include an ACP #AUTOFOCUS directive in your plans when switching from one filter group to another. If you don't have auto-focus available, then you cannot mix filters from both groups in one plan, and you must focus the reference filter for the group before starting a plan that uses (only) filters in that group.